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Scientific Research

Since the foundation of the National Institute of Medical Rehabilitation, scientific research has great importance among our duties. We inspire the lecturer, publicist activity and continuous special education of our colleagues. Since 2008 the Scientific Committee of the Institute coordinates these duties.

Fields of research:
Our colleagues participate in several different research programs supported by scholarships, and are in constant cooperation with other national and international partners. You may find the list of these programs here.

Scientific degree:
Currently twelve of our colleagues held doctoral, candidate, Ph.D. or academical doctoral degree. You may find the data of our colleagues, who have received scientific degree since 1960, here.

Certain topics of the School of Doctoral Studies of Semmelweis University are based on scientific examinations taking place in our Institute. According to these programs professionals having masters degree may receive scientific degree in the field of rehabilitation. You may find the list of our accredited doctoral topics here.

Publicist and lecturer activity:
Our colleagues regularly participate in national and international rehabilitative and border zone scientific congresses. They held several lectures in under- and postgraduate education, in special courses, on symposiums and on other events. The editorial office of the review called “Rehabilitation” is based in our Institute.

You may find the list of annual publications of our colleagues here: 2006, 2007, 2008.

Scientific report meetings of our Institute
In the scientific report meetings topics adequate to the different profiles of the Institute are on the agenda, in forms of reviews of case-histories, reports, and lectures. We endeavor to learn the newest professional scientific facts, also by drawing in acknowledged professionals working in different institutions. The thematic often completed by pharmaceutical and mortality audit, review reports and sometimes sponsored lectures. Certain occasions offer a chance to receive accredited special course credits.

The scientific report meetings are hold in the auditorium (chapel) of the new main building, twice a month, usually on Tuesdays at 14 o’clock. You may find the current program here.

